
Tuning ecotec 2.2
Tuning ecotec 2.2

tuning ecotec 2.2

I can tell you what I've done w/ my setup, or you can go to and look it up. So if you want HPT, you can put on the blower, but you will need some sort of setup to add fuel at higher boost - how much PSI are you going to be pushing? Up to you whether or not you want to wait for HPT, or git 'er done now. However if you want HPT (and think it's actually going to get done), DO NOT get it flashed at the dealer! As this locks out HPT's software i'm told. if it's the Eaton M62 (as found on the Ion redline / cobalt SS/SC), you can go into your dealer and they'll flash it w/ the supercharger map it wants. please help i cant wake up every morning seeing this supercarger on my deskyou can slap it on. can i install s/c and still drive car as daily driver or will it damage my car running it without proper calibration. I just got a supercharger for my 06 2.2l cobalt and was very sad to find out there is no way to calibrate the car for the supercharger.

tuning ecotec 2.2

If you can consider tuning, I would be incredibly grateful and one of your first customers, cash in hand, ready to buy it as soon as it comes out. There is staying power in these requests, there are serious customers asking for support.

tuning ecotec 2.2

There is another thread, started that has accumulated 45 replies and 661 views. There is one thread that was started and has reached 5 pages, 92 replies, and 5,301 views. The number of people looking for tuning support is great, especially for the '03-'04 cars as they're either paid off or just about getting there, freeing up considerable cash for modifications. I understand there were some PCM issues with the early cars that makes it somewhat difficult to release a single tune, but look at some of the threads and posts and you'll realize that people are looking at $1,900 standalone computer systems in an attempt to tune their cars. I know this is mentioned a lot in the I4 etc forum and a lot of officials have been bugged/asked, but please consider tuning for the 2.2 Ecotec in the '03-'07 Ion chassis.

Tuning ecotec 2.2